Kingdom of Atmaurium

Kingdom of Atmaurium

Talismanic Nation of the Moorish Empire

Talismanic Kingdom of Atmaurium - History, Culture and Currency


Long before the great dynasties of Babylon and before the development of Africa, there was Atmaurium.


This is based on our historical and unwavering traditions, wherein as a Moor, we always strive to "Be More".


The "Thaleri" Φ, being in circulation since 2005, was adopted as the official currency of Atmaurium in 2011.

Founder and Chief of state

Magnificus Princeps Scientia Uriel de’Bauauri

Our late Founder and Chief of State, The Magnificent Prince Uriel Bey, re-established the Kingdom of Atmaurium as part of the Moorish Empire in 2011. The primary location of Atmaurium is situated off the coast of Italy, an island also known as Giannutri.


Our Constitutional Monarchy and Heads of State strive to maintain empowering initiatives and lasting leadership in the following departments.


Promoting Wellness & Vitalities of Life


Eating for a Fuller, Happier, Balanced Life


Accessing your Inner Being & Knowledge


Asset Backed Currency For Project Funding


Philanthropic and Project Funding

Noble Drew Ali Grants Program