Talismanic Culture
Relatively speaking, we are a small principality, with a geographical size of some 3 square kilometers (1.2 square miles), and our Capital City is Luba. We have a terrain that is calcerous and indented with a rocky coastline, where we experience a Mediterranean climate of mild wet winters and hot dry summers, enabling us to enjoy a cultural philosophy entrenched with five Universal Principles, namely Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice.
Our official dialect and language is Atmaurino (ancient Latin), but our population includes those of us who speak English, Italian, Spanish and German. Per our official 2010 census, we had a population of some 25,000 Atmaurini people, with an annual population growth rate of some 0.258%, with our ethnic groups comprising some Mauri 47%, Italian 16%, German 16%, and other, some 21%.
When it comes to religious beliefs, 90% of us follow Talismanism, with other religious beliefs comprising 10%. Education is compulsory from ages 6-18 and we have a school attendance rate of some 99%, enjoying a 99% literacy rate.
When it comes to our health, the following statistics can be applied:
- Infant mortality 2 deaths/1,000 live births.
- Life expectancy: Male 88.5 yrs, Female 92.03 yrs.
- Birth rate: 10.1 births/1,000. population.
- Death rate:-11.96 deaths/1,000 population.
Our economic statistics are as follows:
- GDP: 7.492 Billion Thaleri (2019). Avg.
- Annual growth rate: 4.31% GDP per capita (2018 est), 50,956 Thaleri.
- Work force – Private Sector: – 38,000, Public Sector: – 2,690, Banking: – 2300, Hotels: – 2,700, Retail: – 330, Construction and Public Works: – 3,588, Industry: – Agricultural products: 12.28% of GDP.
- Industry Types: construction, chemicals, food products, plastics, tourism, precision instruments, cosmetics, ceramics.
- Trade: Imports: 13 Million Thaleri.
- Exports: 10 Million Thaleri.
Our Government is a Constitutional Monarchy, ratified on January 1st, 2000, with the following Ministerial departments:
- Chief of State.
- Royal Latin Divan (Head of Government).
- Imperial Assembly, (cabinet under authority of the monarch).
- Legislative – consisting of three Councils, Judicial, Royal Matriarch and Noble Masters Court of Justice.
- Sub-divided into the Court of Appeal, the High Court of Appeal, the Criminal Court, and the Supreme Court.
The Consecrated Talisman
The Talisman is the ‘Book of Light and Shadows’, The Ancient and Future (sure footing) Record of the Greater Moorish Empire and the Talismanic Kingdom of Atmaurium. It is Part of the Holy Appanage and Great Geodetic Survey of the Moors from the Americas, Alaska to Chile, Latinum (Portugal and Spain), Italy, Tuscany (Malfi), Messana (the Norman Kingdom of Sicilia – Sicily), Saxony, Franconia, Thuringia, Swabia, Burgundy, Bohemia and Morovia, Austria, Styria, Bavaria, Lombardy, these being of the Ancient German Empire making up the larger part of the Holy Roman Empire under Moorish Nobility and Rule of the Line of Henry I, to his Son Otto I, to Frederick I, and his Son Henry VI, and Grandson Frederick II; Mauritania under Rex (King) Iuba II; the lands of Prussia, Russia, Hungary, the Balkans, Turkistan ruled by the Magnificent Moorish Ruler ‘Osman’ of the famed ‘Ottoman’ Empire, all that continent of Africa, Arabia, Hindustan, China under the rulership of Chin Bai to Admiral Cheng Ho, to the Himalayas, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iava, Sumatra, Borneo, Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand, the Philippines, back to the Americas. The Talisman is the Book of: Vaticinationis (Prophecy), Anthropologia (Anthropology), Geographica (Geography), Temporum Ordinis (Chronology), Linguae Doctrina / Etymologia (Instructional Language / Etymology), Religio (Religion), Genetics / Medicina (Genetics / Medicine), Herbalogia (Herbology), Astrologia (Astrology), Matrimonium, Cibusque, Vestitus Moris (Marriage, Food and Vesture Customs), Disciplina Occultus (Occult Science), Legis Naturalis (Natural Law), Legis Foedus, Natio Inter Gentes (International, National and Treaty Law), Natio Legis (Law of Nations), Oeconomicus ac Artificium (Economics and Commerce), Propaginas (Genealogy), Epigrammatis Antiquus (Ancient Epigraphy), Biologia (Biology), Chemia et Plus (Chemistry and More).
Most finally, as per the aforementioned, one can see that the Consecrated Talisman is the ‘Salmagundi; meaning – a special mixture of various ingredients Divinely Prepared to bring about a ‘One Mind’, Unity and Completion of a Great = Mag and Sal = Family Salt Trust. Giving us the Holy Essence of the Circle 7. So, indeed the “Time has come when every Nation must worship under its own vine and fig tree, and every tongue must confess his own.”