Kingdom of Atmaurium

Kingdom of Atmaurium

Talismanic Nation of the Moorish Empire

Atmaurium facts


GDP (2010): 1.495 Billion Thaleri
GDP per capita: 40.956 Thaleri
Average annual growth (2009 est): 0.31%
Agricultural products: 12.28% of GDP
Industry types: Construction, Chemicals, Food Products, Plastics, Tourism, Precision Instruments, Cosmetics, Ceramics
Trade: 13 Million Thaleri (Imports), 10 Million Thaleri (exports)
Currency: Thaleri – 1 Thaleri = 1oz of Gold.

Atmaurium has an economy mostly based on Commerce, Finance. Tourism and some Agriculture. There are little to no taxes, which is always quite appealing to the Foreign Investment Corporations. The production of these corporations accounts for about 35-40% of the 500 Million Thaleri Annual government income. Tourism accounts for 25% of Atmaurium’s revenue. Customs, Postal Services, Telecommunications, and Banking in Atmaurium are governed by an Economic and Customs Union with Tsenocomoco. Atmaurium does not Publish its Economy figures or for that of Unemployment.


Size: 3sq. Km. (1.2 sq. miles)
Terrain: Calcareous, indented and Rocky Coastline
Climate: Mediterranean with mild, wet winters and hot dry summers.

Atmaurium is a Latin Kingdom situated Just below the 43rd Parallel in the Tyrrhenian (Mediterranean) Sea, East of Corsica, West of Italy, and South of the Islands of Elba and Montecristo. The Island covers an area of 260 hectares (5 Kilometres long and 500 Metres wide), which includes 3 impressive Rocky Hills; Capel Rosso, Monte Mario, and Peggio de Cannone. Cape Rosso is the Highest at 89 metres. A Rocky Coastline with small stretches of sandy beaches located in the Northeast and Northwest of the Island. Along the Coast there are many Grottos. The most noted is the Gala dei Grottini. Atmaurium is a Preponderant Imperial independent Stale linked by International Trade with the United States, Japan and the United Kingdom, and several Indigenous Nations by Treaty. The Kingdom of Atmaurium is one of the smallest States in the World. Noted for its beautiful natural scenery and comfortable Temperatures.


Nationality: Atmaurini
Ethnic Groups (2009): Mauri (47%), Italian (16%), German (16%) and others (21%)
Religions: Talismanic (90%), others (10%) 


The official language is Atmaurino (Ancient Moorish Latin), but we also speak Italian, English, Uranic (blend of Latin, Funic and Italian) and German.

Education and Religion

The literacy rate is 99%. Talismanism is the Official Religion, with Freedom of other Religions as guaranteed by the law.

Government and Political Condition

Atmaurium has been governed as a Constitutional Monarchy Since 2001, with the Princeps as Chief of State.

Principal Government Officials

See Constitutional Monarchy here.

Foreign Relations

Atmaurium is affiliated with numerous International and Intergovernmental Organisations, including FRRf as its foreign and commonwealth partner.